Canadian Swimming Championships

Top meet for national swimmers.
Location Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
Start date Aug 1, 2023
End date Aug 6, 2023
Declaration open May 8, 2023 8:00 AM
Declaration deadline Jul 17, 2023 11:59 PM
Eligibility Pursuit
For ages 11 & Over

Canadian Swimming Championships 
Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
August 1-6, 2023

As this is our final championship meet for the season I would recommend swimmers traveling to Toronto on Saturday, July 29 so that they are ready to compete on the Tuesday and returning on the night of Sunday, August 6.
Brad, Valentina and Burton will be flying out on AC118 at 1:55pm arriving at 9:20pm on Saturday, July 29. 
Valentina and Burton are returning on AC at 10:10pm on Sunday, August 6. 

Currently we have Tristan, Valentina, Burton, Thea and Rohin qualified for the meet. 

We are planning to travel with CDSC and Chinook so that swimmers can share rooms and a chaperone. We have changed our accommodation and are planning to stay in residence townhouses at the UofT Scarborough campus. This will allow the swimmers to walk to the pool. 

Please let me know your basic travel plans and what would work best for you so we can start to finalize plans. 
